Sunday, May 2, 2010


Yeah, I am going to school. Havn lots of fun.. and makn it through.

So far I have made it thro Styles of learning, and english I and II. Getn ready to start computer stuff that i have been waitn for.

Friday, February 26, 2010

My awesome ppl

How adorable can someone b. my kids r just that adorable. Had to post these pix.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Ok, not much longer before I start school and I cant wait, yet I am scared just a bit. Mostly of the math classes, I cant even help my 12 yr old with her math homework, so yeah I am a bit SCARED of the math classes. I am looking forward to any science,history... ok maybe that is all that I am lookn forward to lol. I also cant wait for the pressure... full time school,full time work, almost full time mom. WOW.. how much fun can one person put into their life LOL. I think I can do it tho.. I enjoy pressure. makes me work harder. I will prolly blog a bit more tho.. cause I will need the outlet :)

Monday, October 12, 2009


yes, i know its been a yr.. shut up about it. but its halloween again, and u know thats my fav time of the yr. so here is what i will b this yr. n BCG, dont b telln nobody.. u know who u r!! lol

of course i cant get my mask to look as good as this pic.. grrr. but still its a cool costume.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


i halloween .. how much fun is halloween ..
this is what ima b for halloween.. have i said halloween yet? and how much i love halloween. i would so go up to the doors n ask for candy too if i actually likd the candy .. but ill pass on the candy. i also love hauntd trails too .. they dont scare me .. but i still love goin to c em. i wish all adults would dress up for halloween .. i wanna c more ppl dress up.. dude.. how much fun it is on halloween day .. goin to work.. n seein ppl in their car all dressd up .. i love that! but .. once i get to work... i really jus wanna walk round n play my role as ..well.. what ever i am that yr... n this yr its this cool dude.. i dont even know what he is .. but its cool.. i get to have blood run thru my ribs .. HA HA HA (evil laff) enjoy ur halloween! .. dude.. seriously .. do u know what this reminds me of .. cause iv said halloween so many times.. soopr trooprs where the cop has to say meow so many times .. LOL HALLOWEEN!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

my new tat

i have found my new tat .. im gonna get it ... soon! i never like color tats either.. but this is so perfect.. i cant change a thing.. well.. im not gonna put the text on me .. but the pic .. man its perfect.

i havnt decided where yet.. it will go great with my new haircut .. my baby girl says it looks like the 80s lol so i said.. great.. it looks the way its posta ..

Sunday, August 3, 2008

movie time with jin coldstream

what is the greatest movie for the weeknd .. its step brothers.. holy barnicl pants.. the movie was sooo funny ... i am ready to go c it again .. yeah.. pay to c it again i say.. well.. i didnt really pay the first time.. so it doesnt sound so crazy right lol

but i still havnt seen the strangers .. n my jennifer is bout to kill me .. she will actually kill me when she finds out i went to a movie n havnt gone with her yet.. shhhh dont tell her.. i dont wanna die. lol

i want the chewbacca mask in step brothers .. its the best.

ok im done with this.. bye all

didnt fall in love with starbucks ... but...

i cant get enuff of these .. yikes .. im gonna have a huge belly .. n it will b full of these babies. i think starbucks is jus so normal.. n everyone knows .. i always like to b diff ;)

everyone from all around should come have a taste of these.. cause they r like crack .. speakn of crack.. omgosh.. bing cherries.. yeah.. i think iv gaind like 50 poundages .. but.. ok.. r u all sitn down.. i.. jin coldstream have been outside cutn my bush's lol i should have said trimn my bush ... LMAO but yeah.. i been doin that.. i dont feel like doing it again soon.. but i did get off my bottom n got it done.. i got really tired of lookn at em outside my front window.. they lookd like crap.

so .. anyways.. mocha java chillers.. yummy i tell ya

Monday, July 14, 2008

felt like another blog

work has never been so crazy ... i thought i had lots of work before.. wow... i never realized how askn someone to jus do their job was like the craziest thing to ask someone to do .. then they wanna get mad at u cause ... u r screamn at em when they didnt give u want they told u they would... i am use to my reps calln .... n i could fix it for em .. n make it better .. my day went so much better then... i take calls all day long where ppl yell at me .. n i am ok with that .. cause at the end of the call .. they were thankn me like crazy ... but .. when i have no control over fixn the issue.... its insane ... i get yelld at ... n cant make it better.. i like makn ppl happy... dang it .. i jus wanna do that.. did i mention the one thing that made my day better after havn a terrible call.. or even startn off my day with a great call .. didnt make the ones to come so bad.. well.. i miss that .. its been so long now.. i dont even know how many days it has been... and as much as i hated checkn voicemails.. i always lookd forward to hearing ..that... voicemail... specially the ones that would get cut off ..and the very next one.. was the continued blabbr. i have those memories still .. n i still close my eyes n think bout em...wish they were enjoyabl for both

oh.. u think u had fun over the weeknd

my baby girl is so adorable.. here is what happnd

me n my kids r at the parents .. my dad is workn .. my mom leaves for the bank.. my baby girl being 11 and fixes mac n cheese all the time for her lil bro .. u know the new kind in the bowl that u jus add.....water ...

well.. she says she is gonna fix his mac .. i say ok.. like 1 min later .. i c her playn in the livn room .. i ask her .. what r u fixn in there.. its smells like its burnin .. she does her cute lil nose and sniffs.. and says nope.. i dont smell .... ANYTHING MOM .. well... i get up to check .. cause ..well.. thats why im the mom .. i c smoke rolln up toward the light .. i open up the microwave ... and oHHHHH my crazyness crap ... smoke smoke smoke.. and the smell.. uuuhhhhhhhhg.. u could not breathe ... i c a bowl...well..what use to b a bowl .. half meltd .. and black short pile of poor lil macs with no cheese ... no water ... helpless in a bowl of smoke ..... so we had to camp out on the porch for about ... two hours .. and wait for the parents to return to let them know that .. hey .. we tried to burn ur house down.

i love u baby girl ... i sooo do!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of july parade fun

my kids were n the 4th of july parade this weeknd .. they r a part of an indian tribe ...

first i want to say .. i cant believe this parade .. it was the longest ones i have even seen .. plus a lil rainy out .. but it was sooo worth it .. it was my lil mans first parade .. its my baby girls 2nd er 3rd ..
the other kids with them are their cuzns .. they r just as adorbl...
they were the best part of the parade!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

dontcha wanna b around fun ppl

i love hangn out with fun ppl.. i love to c em smile .. when u know that they really love bein around ppl and havn fun.. i think i talk bout this in my post a lot .. dunno why really .. i guess cause my mom never seemd happy .. n she didnt like bein around ppl .. not sure what in her life must have made her unhappy.. however.. she did have me at 16 .. maybe i took her fun away .. she had to grow up too fast. i used up most of my life around someone that was never happy .. then i married someone that didnt know how to enjoy ppl.. i want the rest of my life to only b around ppl that enjoy life and others .. isnt it funny how some enjoy and some dont know how .. they let the little things get in their way of the fun.

i think im gonna start livn my life like spongebob .. yes thats right .. spongebob ..squarepants lol he is always laffn and enjoys everyday . i dont think iv ever seen that sponge havn a bad day ::giggles::

Monday, June 16, 2008

when i grow up .. im gonna be a genie

i want to b able to blink my eyes and wiggle my nose er somethn .. n get where i wanna go.. wouldnt that b fun? NJ seems cool .. but i jus wanna b there already...hmmm.. mayb a witch would b good too .. then i could do spells umm.. nice ones of course.

i dont know if i would want to live in the bottle tho..back to the genie.. back with me?
yeah.. i dont know if i could fit my stuff in there .. n well.. i dont know bout my boobs either.. they may have trouble.. as well as my bottom.

ill b a genie in a house .. thats all i ask 4

Sunday, June 15, 2008

nice people

i enjoy nice ppl .. why is it that some ppl dont know how to b nice.. those ppl .. ya know .. the ones that never have anything nice to say .. matr fact.. they enjoy sayn all the terribl things that r goin on in someone elses life.. is it because their life is so suckie that they hope all others are just as suckie .. i dont want to hear what terribl things is happinin in others lives.. i want to hear the cool things .. its why i dont watch the news.. its always bad things happinin .. i wanna c happy things.. but they dont have news like that

the good thing about ppl that say means things about others tho.. is that it makes me think about some of the things i say sometimes.. it helps make me a betr person i think

smile .. even if u dont feel like it

Thursday, June 12, 2008

super b complex

do u know what happns when u go like three days without ur super b complex.. umm.. i think u could almos die.. u have to take that crap everyday .. yeah.. i hear what ur thinkn .. some.....ones ....addictd .. ummm.. hello .. i put em in my mouth .. but i havnt swallowd

ok .. so ill b ok a few days without .. but ill have to like take four at once jus to catch up .. thats what u do with birth control pills ya know

everybody needs a lil super b

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

cell phones

ok.. im not into buying lots of shoes .. or purses or jewelry .. but ummm.. com'n u have to have the coolest phone .. right... i wanna make my own cool phone.. n it actually work .. yeah.. i dont think that will happn anytime soon.. mayb next yr.

how cool would that b.. jus make a phone that best suites u .. i wanna b able to make anything

but back to the phones.. r we ever really happy with the phone we get.. .... nooooooooo cause as soon as u get that new cool phone.. another cool phone comes out.. but .. ummm.. what the phone u want u cant get cause what? ur not with freakn at n t .. seriously.. but i want it .. give it to me already .. n dont u jus hate it when those ppl that know u want that type of phone .. has to tell u about it and make u want it even more when they know u cant get it .. grrrr .. u wanna beat their butt off n hand it to em.. yeah.. yeah... u heard me .. n u know who u r .. one last mean one for the day my friend lol .. i want that phone .. i do i do

Saturday, June 7, 2008

becoming who u r

its crazy sometimes the changes that we go thru in our lives .. i use to think that only babies go thru lots of changes and stages.. like ur only way to get from the living room to the crunchd up piece of cookie u c in the floor was crawling to it .. n that seemd like days to get there .. then to learning to walk from the couch to the VCR so u can stick ur cookie into the hole of that VCR aka oven... and as parents we kept a baby book of all the diff stages of our childs life.. and once ur child reaches a certain age.. we forget about the diff stages we will continue to go thru .. but i think back on my adult life so far and .. wow.. lots of stages in my past adulthoodness and i continue to have them...

mayb this is why i think i am still a child .. i cant seem to stop goin thru stages of my life :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the reason i love "meet joe black"

there is nothing to say .. this says it all


omgosh.. do u know how much i love pickles? someone once did a blog about pickles.. n they were not very nice about em.. n so i thought i would do a blog about pickles .. nice pickles .. they go with anything!! there is even a book written about pickles .. check it out

this is the funniest book ever.. i loved reading it to my kids .. is funny tho.. back when i read it to my kids.. i didnt like pickles ..

isnt it funny how ur taste buds will change .. mine changed way lots about 2 yrs ago.. things i never liked at all.. i kinda crave now

did u check out the book? ummm i think u should also buy it .. and read it .. then i will quiz u on it later .. since i have so many blog fans.. most of which is my family .. i know they love me when they actually take the time to read this everyday .. they put up with me :)

ok.. so i know ur not gonna go out n buy the book.. this is what i want u to do instead.. go out n buy a jar of pickles.. and for the day . whatever u eat.. u must eat pickles with it. do u ever wonder where the pickle juice really....actually.... came from? im sure its not pickle pee ??

Monday, June 2, 2008

hours go by.....

i startd playn my guitar hero at like 6pm n.. im jus now stopn.. where did the freakn time go? but dude.. i kickd butt on it .. i feel like i playd every song.. one day im gonna actually try to pick up a real guitar n play it til i do an actual song.. but .. i fear that i would never do anything ever again.. but play guitar.. ok so id still answer my phone .. dependn on who was calling lol

whats odd is .. sometimes hours dont really seem to go by AT ALL .. how can .. how u feel or .. what ur thinkn or doin .. makes time go faster or slower .. that is the most insane thing ever... sometimes time seems to not move ... n ur lost n time.. ur nothing .. ur jus there .. n u dont know what will come nezt .. or if ur doin the right things... like.. is there something i should get up n do that would make my life seem to have any reason .. n if so .. what the freakn heck would that b that i should do .. so then i jus dont do anything.. n well.. there went one sec of my life by .. now iv got like only 4 more hrs to go before i dont feel like a granma early butt goin to bed at 8PM. ok now i am jus rambln . so i am goin to bed .. oh yeah.. its cool.. cause its 1038 .. im no granma early butt tonight .. im totally cool

Sunday, June 1, 2008

im a girl ..

im pose to love to shop .. why do i not tho....i wish i was rich .. so i could tell someone to shop for me .. n then tell them to take it back .. if i dont like it .. make em get me something i do like.. how cool would that b.. ooooorrrr.. even better.. rich enuff.. so that i could make the store come to me.. bring like lots of clothes that i might like.. n let me look at em .. then they take back what i dont want.. yeah.. that is what i wanna b when i grow up .. jus like that .. lol

so yeah.. i had to go shopn tonight.. jus got back .. grrrr

but .. i got some new clothes.. cause im tired of putn on my old crap i have..

u know what i do like shopn for tho.. toys.. omgosh.. i was in the toy dept for like 2 hrs ... i saw soooo many things i wantd .. ummm.. for my kids to have .. lol .. dont u love playdoh .. n moon sand .. n . the new wii ski thing.. holy crap a moly .. i gots to get me that...

what would b nice is if they would stop getn rid of all the kids toy stores.. like toys r us .. i have to drive for hrs to get to one.. i wanna shop at a place that has like every toy ever made. n u could test all the toys out.. like in that movie with tom hanks.. his job was to test all the toys .. i would never ask for a pay raise .. ever .. i would jus b happy to come to work n sleep in my car bed ever night.. oh yeah.. id have a car bed.. ok.. mayb i would have em make me a jeep bed.. but .. why havnt they done that already .. seriously

i never knew i could talk so much about toys.. is anybody still reading this?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

before i die

something iv always wantd to do before i die.. iv always wantd to b a voice of a cartoon .. i dont have any cool lil voices i can do .. but i jus would love to b the voice of a cool cartoon girl.. like mighty b .. she is adorable .. i love her.. im 35 ..n i love cartoons.. there i said it.. im like a child

im a big spongebob fan.. mostly i love patrick star.. but im a huge cartoon fan

wouldnt u love to b a cartoon .. u can stretch n fall down a 30 floor building n get right up and go play like nothn ever happnd .. ok soooo u might c birds for a bit.. but .. thats kinda cool too .....right!

Friday, May 30, 2008

best things in life

i have the best kids ever .. ok.. i just wanted to start my first blog off with something about my kids.. cause i do have the best kids ever .. they make me laff .. and they r the sweetest souls on earth. i think i creatd this blog to let things out that i keep hidn .. right now this was jus a random first blog .. so buh bye for now.. miss me