Monday, June 16, 2008

when i grow up .. im gonna be a genie

i want to b able to blink my eyes and wiggle my nose er somethn .. n get where i wanna go.. wouldnt that b fun? NJ seems cool .. but i jus wanna b there already...hmmm.. mayb a witch would b good too .. then i could do spells umm.. nice ones of course.

i dont know if i would want to live in the bottle tho..back to the genie.. back with me?
yeah.. i dont know if i could fit my stuff in there .. n well.. i dont know bout my boobs either.. they may have trouble.. as well as my bottom.

ill b a genie in a house .. thats all i ask 4


Anonymous said...

I allways use to wish that I could point at any outfit and shoes, accesories, etc in a magazine and it would appear in my closet in my size. That would be awesome!