Sunday, June 1, 2008

im a girl ..

im pose to love to shop .. why do i not tho....i wish i was rich .. so i could tell someone to shop for me .. n then tell them to take it back .. if i dont like it .. make em get me something i do like.. how cool would that b.. ooooorrrr.. even better.. rich enuff.. so that i could make the store come to me.. bring like lots of clothes that i might like.. n let me look at em .. then they take back what i dont want.. yeah.. that is what i wanna b when i grow up .. jus like that .. lol

so yeah.. i had to go shopn tonight.. jus got back .. grrrr

but .. i got some new clothes.. cause im tired of putn on my old crap i have..

u know what i do like shopn for tho.. toys.. omgosh.. i was in the toy dept for like 2 hrs ... i saw soooo many things i wantd .. ummm.. for my kids to have .. lol .. dont u love playdoh .. n moon sand .. n . the new wii ski thing.. holy crap a moly .. i gots to get me that...

what would b nice is if they would stop getn rid of all the kids toy stores.. like toys r us .. i have to drive for hrs to get to one.. i wanna shop at a place that has like every toy ever made. n u could test all the toys out.. like in that movie with tom hanks.. his job was to test all the toys .. i would never ask for a pay raise .. ever .. i would jus b happy to come to work n sleep in my car bed ever night.. oh yeah.. id have a car bed.. ok.. mayb i would have em make me a jeep bed.. but .. why havnt they done that already .. seriously

i never knew i could talk so much about toys.. is anybody still reading this?


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