Monday, June 2, 2008

hours go by.....

i startd playn my guitar hero at like 6pm n.. im jus now stopn.. where did the freakn time go? but dude.. i kickd butt on it .. i feel like i playd every song.. one day im gonna actually try to pick up a real guitar n play it til i do an actual song.. but .. i fear that i would never do anything ever again.. but play guitar.. ok so id still answer my phone .. dependn on who was calling lol

whats odd is .. sometimes hours dont really seem to go by AT ALL .. how can .. how u feel or .. what ur thinkn or doin .. makes time go faster or slower .. that is the most insane thing ever... sometimes time seems to not move ... n ur lost n time.. ur nothing .. ur jus there .. n u dont know what will come nezt .. or if ur doin the right things... like.. is there something i should get up n do that would make my life seem to have any reason .. n if so .. what the freakn heck would that b that i should do .. so then i jus dont do anything.. n well.. there went one sec of my life by .. now iv got like only 4 more hrs to go before i dont feel like a granma early butt goin to bed at 8PM. ok now i am jus rambln . so i am goin to bed .. oh yeah.. its cool.. cause its 1038 .. im no granma early butt tonight .. im totally cool