Tuesday, June 10, 2008

cell phones

ok.. im not into buying lots of shoes .. or purses or jewelry .. but ummm.. com'n u have to have the coolest phone .. right... i wanna make my own cool phone.. n it actually work .. yeah.. i dont think that will happn anytime soon.. mayb next yr.

how cool would that b.. jus make a phone that best suites u .. i wanna b able to make anything

but back to the phones.. r we ever really happy with the phone we get.. .... nooooooooo cause as soon as u get that new cool phone.. another cool phone comes out.. but .. ummm.. what the phone u want u cant get cause what? ur not with freakn at n t .. seriously.. but i want it .. give it to me already .. n dont u jus hate it when those ppl that know u want that type of phone .. has to tell u about it and make u want it even more when they know u cant get it .. grrrr .. u wanna beat their butt off n hand it to em.. yeah.. yeah... u heard me .. n u know who u r .. one last mean one for the day my friend lol .. i want that phone .. i do i do


Anonymous said...

You're just jealous cuz you want an iPhone and can't have one because Verizon doesn't have them. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I can't wait to rub it in that my phone is better than yours. Of course, it is RIGHT NOW!!