Saturday, June 7, 2008

becoming who u r

its crazy sometimes the changes that we go thru in our lives .. i use to think that only babies go thru lots of changes and stages.. like ur only way to get from the living room to the crunchd up piece of cookie u c in the floor was crawling to it .. n that seemd like days to get there .. then to learning to walk from the couch to the VCR so u can stick ur cookie into the hole of that VCR aka oven... and as parents we kept a baby book of all the diff stages of our childs life.. and once ur child reaches a certain age.. we forget about the diff stages we will continue to go thru .. but i think back on my adult life so far and .. wow.. lots of stages in my past adulthoodness and i continue to have them...

mayb this is why i think i am still a child .. i cant seem to stop goin thru stages of my life :)


Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the same thing over the last couple of days. I'm having a little empty nest syndrome right now. My daughter left for school this year. I'm ok with it but it makes you think about life. It makes me wonder who I will be when all my kids leave and I'm not a mom anymore. Then what happens when I'm to old to run around and have fun. I also think of how much I have changed. From that young, innocent, trusting person to someone who is a little more cautious than she was. Isn't life a funny little thing? We are constantly being changed. I guess that's good. If you think of it like a river........if it never moves and doesn't have all it's bends it would just stay still and become stagnet.