Monday, July 14, 2008

oh.. u think u had fun over the weeknd

my baby girl is so adorable.. here is what happnd

me n my kids r at the parents .. my dad is workn .. my mom leaves for the bank.. my baby girl being 11 and fixes mac n cheese all the time for her lil bro .. u know the new kind in the bowl that u jus add.....water ...

well.. she says she is gonna fix his mac .. i say ok.. like 1 min later .. i c her playn in the livn room .. i ask her .. what r u fixn in there.. its smells like its burnin .. she does her cute lil nose and sniffs.. and says nope.. i dont smell .... ANYTHING MOM .. well... i get up to check .. cause ..well.. thats why im the mom .. i c smoke rolln up toward the light .. i open up the microwave ... and oHHHHH my crazyness crap ... smoke smoke smoke.. and the smell.. uuuhhhhhhhhg.. u could not breathe ... i c a bowl...well..what use to b a bowl .. half meltd .. and black short pile of poor lil macs with no cheese ... no water ... helpless in a bowl of smoke ..... so we had to camp out on the porch for about ... two hours .. and wait for the parents to return to let them know that .. hey .. we tried to burn ur house down.

i love u baby girl ... i sooo do!